Truth and Dare

Truth or Dare?

We have got you both. Our Truth & Dare magnets come with Truths for you to embrace & Dares for you to perform as acts of goodness. Every Dare is designed to fill you with joy and help you get closer to your rewards

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Goodness never goes unrewarded. Your chance to get a FREE Product after 10 acts of goodness
Steps 1

Order to unlock fun surprise!

Order a Truth & Hair Product and get a Truth & Dare Magnet. Collect 10 Magnets

Steps 2

Embrace Truth & Dare

Embrace the truth and complete the 10 dares

Steps 3

Share with us

Submit the 10 pics/videos below and provide your information

Steps 4

Get ready to unbox the truth

Wait to receive a free Truth & Hair Product

Complete Dares and Get a Free Product!

100 Dares = 100 moments of joy